About ErykS
Modesty and majesty in design and novel geometry are three features placing our products in the eternally popular
“simple elegance” class.
”Go simple & direct, but give each element perfect shape – that way only you will reveal all great effects stacked in
music formula.”
The unique features standing behind Eryk S Concept’s products:
– top notch materials & components to price ratio
– our systems work also with wi-fi, bluetooth or even USB DAC
– all products are carefully hand assembled in Poland, being 100% made in EU,
– true art concepts in synergy with commercial type of an audio product,
– even one unit can be made in fully customized finish,
– unique modern & elegant design style,
– easy plug’n’play stereo setups
The Eryk S Concept company is a family, boutique business. Our unique approach enables us to fulfill client’s
We specialize in stereo home audio equipment executed in any finish. Our innovative electronic solutions and
design style have been already widely appreciated in Poland, Sweden, Denmark and England.
Eryk S projects have received many warm reviews, audio awards and positive feedback around Europe.
It is our belief that the concept and technology behind Eryk S audio setups will help music lovers to lasting pleasure
in experiencing music from new acoustic heights.